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First Impressions: Koufuku Graffiti
Anime products Wholesale / 2015-01-26
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Title (English): Gourmet Girl Graffiti
Title (Japanese): 幸腹グラフィティ
Animation Studio: Shaft
Genres: Comedy, Seinen, Slice of life
Episodes: 3/?
While everyone else was looking forward to their sequels this season, or other high profile anime adaptations, my most anticipated anime this season was actually Koufuku Graffiti. A marriage between renowned anime studio Shaft (Monogatari series, Madoka Magica series) and my favourite writer in anime, Mari Okada (Toradora!, AnoHana, Nagi no Asukara) had me drooling in anticipation as soon as I heard it. And it’s not just because of the food, which is the theme of this anime.
Ryou Machiko has been living on her own ever since her grandmother died. She’s always had a love for cooking and she was always good at it, but ever since her grandmother’s passing, she feels like she can’t make good food anymore. One day, Ryou’s aunt calls her and tells her that Ryou’s second cousin, Kirin Morino, will be attending a school near Ryou on Sundays and asks that Ryou take care of Kirin while she has school. The two have only met briefly in the past, so there is a lot the two don’t know about each other. Kirin does know that Ryou is a good cook and Kirin loves the food that Ryou makes. The anime follows these two as they live together, as well as Kyou’s close friend Shiina.
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What do you guys think of Koufuku Graffiti so far if you’re watching it? Let me know in the comments
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